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Config sensors

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This screen is used to do basic calibration on the gyroscopes and accelerometers.

File:Config sensors.jpg


The raw accelerometer values are the 16-bit result of the AD-convertor. In rest (static) and lying on a perfectly flat surface, the ouput of the processed values should be: 0g (X), 0g (Y) and -1g (Z). This represents the gravity vector. In an ideal situation the result of sqrt(x^2 + y^2 + z^2) should be "= 1 g".

The calibrate the accelerometer, execute these steps:

  • Make sure the raw and processed accelerometer values are visible by configuring the Config telemetry tabpage.
  • Make sure the module is perfectly parallel to the ground.
  • Click "Use current" next to the neutral accelerometer values.
  • Adapt the neutral Z-value into the neutral Y-value.
  • Click the "Write" button.
  • Now you should see that the values are better.
  • Adapt the neutral Z-value until it is more or less equal to -1 g.

This is a basic calibration. If you wish to calibrate the module even better. You can change the scaling values per axis in the code.


Calibrating the gyroscopes is easier:

  • Make sure the module is perfectly still
  • Click the "Use current" button next to the Neutral Gyroscope values.
  • Click the "Write" button.
  • Now the processed output values should be around 0.

This is a basic calibration. If you wish to calibrate the module even better. You can change the scaling values per axis in the code.

Note: Some MEMS chips are more sensitive to temperature changes than others. That's why it is a good idea to do this calibration in more or less the same temperature as where your UAV will fly.

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