New gluonpilot hardware

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Re: New gluonpilot hardware

Postby magellan » Wed Nov 17, 2010 8:50 pm

Hi Tom,

Approximately, when do you estimate you will have stock again? Are we still aiming for December?
I want to start putting things together in January so I have something ready for the spring.


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Re: New gluonpilot hardware

Postby Tom » Thu Nov 18, 2010 10:28 am

Hello Olivier,

Yes we are still aiming for december. Planning:
- Prototype expected in 2 weeks (begin december)
- Testing: 1 weekend
- New batch available end of december.

Of course I can not 100% guarantee this, because it depends on (1) correct functioning of the prototype and (2) the assembler.

If in the very worst case this scheduele can not be met than I will let you know. In this case
- You can get one from lipoly: ... ullbbuh7s2
- In the worst case I can give you one of my modules intended for my personal use :-)
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Re: New gluonpilot hardware

Postby lukasz » Thu Nov 18, 2010 11:30 am

Tom, can you share some details how will this prototype look?
What changes have been made comparing to already available?
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Re: New gluonpilot hardware

Postby Tom » Thu Nov 18, 2010 12:00 pm

Only small changes. I'll finish the PCB this weekend so I'll see what else I can squeeze in the small PCB board.
Changes that are sure:
- 5V PWM outputs instead of 3V3 (was a problem for some chinese ESC's)
- 1 extra PWM input
- ISZ500 gyro instead of ADXRS613
- 3 different kinds of GPS connectors will be supported (header for Locosys, EB-85 and EM-406 connectors)

Thinks I'm looking at:
- Extra PWM output
- Extra analog input

Thing I have the hardware ready to develop (as add-on module):
- Differential pressure sensor for pitot tube using I2C
- OSD that is controlled over SPI
- Magnetometer for heading hold on quadrocopters using I2C

Now all I need is the time to write the code :-)
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Re: New gluonpilot hardware

Postby magellan » Thu Nov 18, 2010 1:05 pm

Hi Tom,
I can wait for the new board no problem. I like the idea of the IDG 500 gyro, I think the overall performance will be improved, also, the additional inputs are worth the wait.
Thanks for the update.

Tom wrote:Hello Olivier,

Yes we are still aiming for december. Planning:
- Prototype expected in 2 weeks (begin december)
- Testing: 1 weekend
- New batch available end of december.

Of course I can not 100% guarantee this, because it depends on (1) correct functioning of the prototype and (2) the assembler.

If in the very worst case this scheduele can not be met than I will let you know. In this case
- You can get one from lipoly: ... ullbbuh7s2
- In the worst case I can give you one of my modules intended for my personal use :-)
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Re: New gluonpilot hardware

Postby HappyBee » Fri Dec 31, 2010 3:19 pm


I didn't mutch opportunity to test the board on my Quad copter.

But I would like to make a suggestion . I see that a magnometer and other periferals will be used on the i2c bus n° 1 . But as I would like to write a library to use the Mikrokopter i2c esc on the gluon could you consider to extract the i2c bus n°2 on some pins so it would be possible to use a dedicated for all the motor from a quad / oKto etc ...

An so the other one would be used only for sensors .

By the way has somebody already a code for that ?


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Re: New gluonpilot hardware

Postby Tom » Sun Jan 02, 2011 11:22 am

Hi Alexandra,

Thanks for your input. I hope in the future to include a magnetometer on the board, and connected to a separate I2C bus.

For the mikrocopter I2C ESC there is not yet code available for it on the gluonpilot (as far as I know).
For the magnetometer, Mitch wrote code for that. It only needs to be integrated into the gluonpilot: viewtopic.php?f=3&t=16

I hope to write I2C code for the HMC5842 this month. I guess it will be mostly similar to the HMC5843.
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