advice on propeller hull

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advice on propeller hull

Postby pizza » Fri Jul 02, 2010 1:06 am

Hi guys,

I had a really bad nightmare. I know that it is just a nightmare but it is a warning sign at the back of my head. In the nightmare a smart UAV was waiting outside the window for me whole day, and once my family opened the window, it flew straight for me and cut off my neck with its powerful blades.

I think there is a strong need of finding or making a propeller hull whether DIY or by some plastics manufacturer for my UAV to prevent injuries. The lab where I do testing at always have students or professors running in and out and around. there is probably no other place available for me to do flight testings.I am continuing someone senior's project and I was asked to remove the remote controller and go digital.

do you have any advice? will the hull impair air cushions(not sure about aerodynamics) or flying ability? which material should I use or do you have any DIY suggestions?

Thanks! your help would prevent casualties

here is how a propeller hull looks like, from parrot ar drone:
parrot.png (176.28 KiB) Viewed 12633 times
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Re: advice on propeller hull

Postby Tom » Fri Jul 09, 2010 4:27 pm

I've also been thinking about that... but no solution just yet :-)
If you stay a few cm away from the propellor's end, I guess it won't affect performance a lot. It might be noisier however.

Good luck and let us know how you did it!
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