New lake video

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New lake video

Postby icebear » Wed Jul 17, 2013 7:29 am

Here's a new lake video - this year I have used th 1.2 meter wing from Eppfly and my new GoPro3. Much better than the keychain cam of last year if anyone remembers the 2012 lake video.


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Re: New lake video

Postby Tom » Wed Jul 17, 2013 7:58 am

No fishing kids this time? ;-)

I can't believe it's been a year since your previous lake video, time flies!

Is your micro-uav nearly finished? :-)
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Re: New lake video

Postby icebear » Thu Jul 18, 2013 8:23 am

Tom wrote:No fishing kids this time? ;-)
I can't believe it's been a year since your previous lake video, time flies!
Is your micro-uav nearly finished? :-)

In fact, there were... See low altitude proof below :D

The Micro UAV is in progress (thanks for the headers!) but the other two GP's are keeping me busy - you know I enjoy flying...

Another lake video will be posted soon - too - we flew across the lake to film were my ancestors used to live in the 1800s.

Catch of the day!
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Re: New lake video

Postby icebear » Thu Jul 18, 2013 10:27 am

And here is the next lake flight;

This time across the lake and I had good reception with the Xbees all the way - 2400 meters and with a wire antenna only on the PC side! I can only imagine what it woud be with a high gain one...


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Re: New lake video

Postby lukasz » Thu Jul 18, 2013 12:54 pm

Those are beautiful flights.
Was this fully autonomous flight or you did FPV?
Can you post some photos with your setup and how all this stuff is mounted?

I'm way back with my flights lately and need to catch up with you guys :)
At the moment I'm expecting a kid so I'm kind of busy and don't have too much time for flying.
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Re: New lake video

Postby icebear » Thu Jul 18, 2013 5:00 pm

lukasz wrote:Those are beautiful flights.
Was this fully autonomous flight or you did FPV?
Can you post some photos with your setup and how all this stuff is mounted?
I'm way back with my flights lately and need to catch up with you guys :)
At the moment I'm expecting a kid so I'm kind of busy and don't have too much time for flying.

Hi Lukasz,

Thanks - everything fully auto including take-off! Here's a few pictures of the installation - quite simple, I just cut out a square to fit the GP and rx and fitted with hotglue to the wing and covered with tape.

The GoPro sits upfront as you can see and I have upgraded to the new Hero3 this season.

Good luck with your baby - I can testify that there IS time for flying even with small kids, so dont despair :)


The Glider 1200 mm wing from Eppfly
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Re: New lake video

Postby Tom » Thu Jul 18, 2013 7:15 pm

Björn is the expert in fast and simple build. In spite of his busy job he still flies and builds more than we do :-)
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Re: New lake video

Postby icebear » Tue Jul 23, 2013 8:03 am

Tom wrote:Björn is the expert in fast and simple build. In spite of his busy job he still flies and builds more than we do :-)

Thanks Tom! I could do with some more patience to perfect my builds before rushig out to fly, though... :D

Talking about flying - here's a snapshot from yesterdays flight!


Video snapshot from the 2013 lighthouse mission... More details to follow soon.
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Re: New lake video

Postby Tom » Tue Jul 23, 2013 9:11 am

Wow, this must be the most detailed snapshot of the lighthouse to date!!! What altitude were you flying at?
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Re: New lake video

Postby icebear » Tue Jul 23, 2013 9:48 pm

Tom wrote:Wow, this must be the most detailed snapshot of the lighthouse to date!!! What altitude were you flying at?

Yes, the GoPro even with just frozen video frames is very good. Its only 1920x100 pixels but virtually as good as my 2007 5 MP stills... Definitely the best video so far!
It was shot at 60 meters altitude just as last year (and the year before :))...
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