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Use button to level GluonPilot

PostPosted: Wed Aug 24, 2011 8:39 am
by Rangarid

since the button on the board has no use yet i would recommend it to use it as level button for GluonPilot. If you press it the GluonPilot sets the current gyro and acc values as leveled values.

Would be handy for those that dont want to take the laptop to the flying field to set the current values. It would be the same as pressing calibrate gyro/calibrate acc in the wizard window.

Is there an easy way to implement this? If yes how do i do it?


Re: Use button to level GluonPilot

PostPosted: Wed Aug 24, 2011 11:32 am
by madcobra

I things It's good idea. But we need to remove button outside the board cause when you push button it'll change level of sensor...
Another idea is use that button for restore config default...

Re: Use button to level GluonPilot

PostPosted: Fri Aug 26, 2011 4:10 pm
by Rangarid

i just found out there already is a function that handles the button pressed. In kalman file goto line 98:

Code: Select all
   if (button_down())

I just tested if it works, did a serial print and it worked. so you just have to put methods here that configure the gyro an acc.

Re: Use button to level GluonPilot

PostPosted: Tue Aug 30, 2011 12:25 pm
by Tom

It was used to do exactly this, but only for the quadrocopters (quaternion) after a hard landing, not for fixed wings (kalman). It could as well be used for fixed wings of course...

With the upcoming GCS, an XBee modem will be able to fix all this!